Looking for ways ensure a successful personal branding photoshoot? Maybe you’ve stumbled upon this post wanting to know what a personal branding photoshoot is or how a personal branding photoshoot helps your business. Below, I’m sharing my tried and true tips for a successful personal branding photoshoot.

Make a content idea list:
Having pretty photos to post on social media is great, but that’s only half the battle. Although you’ll finally have pictures you’ll be excited to share, you might not know how to use them. That’s why I think it is so important to start with the messaging first. Ask yourself, “what do I want to tell my audience?” and create a list of topics and ideas. From there, we can create images that strategically connect the story and the message to your audience. Doing this makes the rest of the planning much easier!
Create a shot list:
Once you create a content idea list, think about some visual poses and images that would help connect the story. For example, if you want to talk about how you run your company from home, on your list might be you sitting at a table working on your laptop. If your pet, kids, or partner are a big part of your branding, get some shots that include them too!
Plan your outfits:
Ask your photographer how many outfits they usually get through during their sessions. Every photographer is different in the way they logistically run their sessions, so it help you get a good idea of how many outfits you can get through. For me, I tell my clients about 2-3 outfits per hour is a good starting point. When choosing outfits, make sure you are trying them on a few days before to make sure everything fits how you want. I can’t tell you how many times I had my own personal branding photoshoots where I tried on my outfits before hand, only to change my plan because I didn’t love the way they looked, or I had to run to the store because I didn’t have the right under garment to go with it. So trust me, trying on the outfits before might just save your photos!

Gather your props:
Going back to your content list and looking for visual cues is a great start when picking props. If you want to talk about your morning routine, a coffee mug or journal would make great props. If physical health is important to you, maybe bringing some workout gear or a yoga mat would be fitting. For specific industries like real estate, a pair of keys and business cards might be ideal.
Arrive early:
You might be surprised how much time is takes your to get your outfits and props organized, and set-up time can take longer than you think. Arriving early will allow you time to get organized, familiar with the space, and more comfortable to get your photo taken.
Follow for more tips on how to make your personal branding photoshoot successful and how you can book one with me. Let’s connect on Instagram!